IV Diet, Atzori: “E’ a diet for losers and it’s very dangerous. You risk infection, inflammation and toxic accumulation of vitamins” Latest fashion for weight loss. Have a mix of …
Author: allengenheiros-adm
Sea, the benefits of iodine
Sea, the benefits of iodine This is two to the Special Combination of Light, iodine, Sodium and Water That Leads To Total Regeneration for Anyone Expose to it all.
Breast resurfacing with or without implants
Breast resurfacing: with or without implants? In recent years, even in Italy, we have witnessed a real boom in cosmetic surgery: more and more women are deciding to have surgery …
Demart, between science and art, all ready for the 9th edition
Demart, between science and art, all ready for the 9th edition Dermatology conference – Just like an art critic or a restorer on canvas, the dermatologist has the task of …
Genzano di Roma – Closure of child neuropsychiatry unit, mayor writes to ASL
Genzano of Rome – Closure of child neuropsychiatry unit, mayor writes to Asl Following the Closure of Genzano's Child Neuropsychiatry Unit and the Relocation of the Service to Albano Hospital, …
RONCIGLIONE – DRINKING WATER: FROM THE FRYING PAN TO THE FIRE Dear Mayor, following the 50 percent self-reduction of the water fee made by some citizens, l’administration she presides over …
Frosinone – Emergency room emergency, city awaits level II Goddess
Frosinone – Emergency room emergency, city awaits level II Goddess "After the approval in the Council of the resolution presented last November by the majority group leaders on the reorganization …
Mediterranean diet ko people prefer the Junk food
Mediterranean diet ko, people prefer “Junk Food” The Mediterranean diet is losing ground. New lifestyles and the recent crisis have contributed to changes for the worse in the eating habits …
Ovarian Cancer Only 1 in 3 Women Are Offered Brca Testing
Ovarian Cancer: Only 1 in 3 Women Are Offered Brca Testing at Diagnosis Ovarian Cancer – Presented to the Sente the Document “BRCA TEST: Call to Action For Prevention and …
Here are the best smoothies allies of sight
Here are the best smoothies allied to eyesight Vision is fundamental to our daily lives. Seventy-five percent of the population has some kind of more or less important visual defect, …