Mediterranean diet ko people prefer the Junk food

Mediterranean diet ko, people prefer “Junk Food”

The Mediterranean diet is losing ground. New lifestyles and the recent crisis have contributed to changes for the worse in the eating habits of Italian families. This is according to some 30 experts gathered in Milan by the international foundation that advocates for its dissemination. In Spain, only 15% of the population follows this diet continuously. In Greece, consumption of products that can be called Mediterranean has dropped by 70% since the 1980s.

A similar trend is seen in Italy and Portugal. The reasons for the disinterest are the globalization of eating habits, induced mainly by tourism. Along the coasts we are witnessing the spread of fast nutrition (fast food) which results in increased consumption of meat, its derivatives, dairy products, refined flours. In Rural, Rural Regions, People Still Favo Legumes, Fruits, Grains, Virgin Olive Oil While Rarely Eating Meat, Eggs, Fish. This Change has long-term Health Consequences: in fact, obesity expedally among young people, cardiovascular dyssese, diabetes and cancers are on the laugh of Areas where the Mediterranean Diet is gradually Being Forgotten.

All in the ‘ disinterest ’ of Parents, Who Seem to under the problem. A worrying change, argues Giovanni D’Agata, president of the “Sportello deiRights,” an association that for years has supported the’promotion of all those initiatives that propose the “Mediterranean diet&#8221 and its staple foods as a real panacea for health, which marks the collapse in the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the increase in meat, cured meats, eggs, fatty dairy products and refined sugars, which moves us further and further away from the abandoned Mediterranean diet for the junk food commonly called “junk food”. A Hard Blow, Confirming that all this Lifestyles That We Italians Have Been Imparesting from Overseas For Decades, Have Forcefully Entered The Daily Routine of Italian Families Starting with Diets of Northern European and North American Matrix.