Demart, between science and art, all ready for the 9th edition

Demart, between science and art, all ready for the 9th edition

Dermatology conference – Just like an art critic or a restorer on canvas, the dermatologist has the task of knowing how to interpret the details of skin changes, knowing how to cure pathological changes and help prevent those related to time and bad habits. From the idea that the skin is a pictorial canvas and that everything it expresses can be better interpreted with the help of art, the idea of DermArt was born, a conference that combines Dermatology with Visual Art to dissect the common languages.

Conceived, curated and directed by Massimo Papi, the review – which will issue 10 ECM credits – will reach its ninth edition this year, continuing its tradition in the didactic comparison between skin diseases and painting and also proposing a series of new topics of multidisciplinary interest. Spectacular meeting place will be, on 22 and 23 September 2016, the Roman Forum, and exactly the Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda, inside the Noble College of Pharmacists of Rome.

The initiative, which will see speakers belonging to both the various professions of the health world (doctors, nurses, biologists, psychologists) and to the multifaceted artistic universe (painters, art makers, historians and art critics), will have as a fil rouge of the various interventions – many of which interactive with the public – The “female noun” skin, visible on the aesthetic, psychological, artistic and specific skin pathologies (here the complete program). Through a process of laborious updating, multiple topics will be approached: among the most innovative, Whatsapp dermatology, a looming phenomenon in recent years in the relationship between doctor and patient, and vulvar dermocosmetics, between needs and trends. And yet dermatology for vegans and E-tattoos: skinmarks, techtats and safestamps.

Interactive quizzes will then be organized on clinical cases of inflammatory leg pathologies and on the diagnosis of skin diseases with the help of painting icons (characters, colors and shapes of famous paintings).

Acne in adult women, umbilical pathologies (navel button center of the world), technological pills of new tattoos and the innovative technique of epiluminescence, skin pathologies in adolescence, melanoma in the three ages of women and the marks on the skin of migrants will be the subject of further details. Among the most delicious curiosities, a parenthesis will be dedicated to pets, with a minicorship on the risks of transmission of diseases to human skin. Finally, in the spirit of sharing that has always belonged to the event and the belief that the doctor-patient relationship is based on the optimal use of the 5 senses, a course will be organized to learn about the aromas of wine with a combined tasting, in collaboration with some excellent wine cellars of Lazio.

DermArt is an initiative created under the patronage of: Rome City Council, Lazio Region, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Rome Medical Association, ADOI, Women Dermatologists Italy, LILT (Lega Italiana fight tumours), Italian Acne Board, Federfarma.