Diabetes in Pregnancy, Causes and Complications
Pregnancy is a very delicate time for the mother-to-be, Who turns her thoughts and attention primarily to the baby she is carrying. To monitor The Health of Your Uncorn Child, it is important to be Seen Regularly by Your Doctor And Also Undergo Prenatal Screening Tests.
Prenatal tests are divided into noninvasive screening tests, such as bi test or fetal dna test, and invasive prenatal diagnostic tests, such as amniocentesis or villocentesis. However, The Pregnant Woman’s Health Also Needs To Be Monitord, As Some Diseases, Such As Diabetes, May Occhur During Pregnancy, Which Couling Also affector the Baby.
Gestitional Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes that a Pregnant Woman Develops For the First Time During Pregnancy is Defined Gestitional Diabetes Mellitus and includes both the types of diabetes that arise during the nine months of gestation and those that were not diagnosed befer . Diabetes arises on average in the 7-8% of pregnancies, which therefore are considered “at risk” because of the increased complications for mother and baby 1 . The lifestyle of the expectant woman, therefore, should be as healthy and balanced as possible, and medical directions should be followed.
Gestational diabetes can bring some complications, such as hypertensive gestosis, placental abruption, the polyamnios (excess amniotic fluid); premature delivery; uterine inertia during labor; urinary and vaginal infections; and atony postpartum 2 .
the diagnosis of gestational diabetes
the diagnosis of gestational diabetes is based on the observation of certain typical symptoms, such as excessive thirst, increased urination, visual disturbances, frequent infections (and.g., cystitis) 1 . It is very important to monitor the pregnant woman’s health status so that timy action can be taken and complications for the unborn child can be avoideed.
During pregnancy, the placenta produces hormones capable of counteracting the effect of’insulin. The human body’s reaction normally involves the increased production of insulin, thanks to the activity of the pancreas; however, when this organ fails to increase this production, blood glucose values rise, facilitating the onset of diabetes 3 .
THE risk factors that contribute to the onset of diabetes in pregnant women may be the following:
- presence of similar cases in the family;
- obesity or overweight of the pregnant woman;
- presence of sugars in the urine (glycosuria);
- Diagnosis of gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies;
- baby’s birth weight greater than 4.5 kg in a previous pregnancy;
- age of the pregnant woman older than 35 years;
- Ethnicity – South Asian (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh), And Middle Eastern (Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Syria, Oman, Kuwait, Egypt) Women Have a Higher Risk 3 .
During Pregnancy, It is important to Check Some Parameters That May indicated The Onset of Diabetes Mellitus, for Example, The Glucose Fast Blood and 2 Hours After eating and l ’GLYCATED Hemoglobin (The Averal Blood Glucose Values of the Last Two or Three Months). If the Pregnant Woman is at Risk, She Should Also Undergo Glucose Loading Test (Or Blood Glucose Curve Test) Which Consists of Checking Blood Glucose Values at the Beginning, After One ’ Hour, and Two Hours After Taking at 1.3 glucose solution .
In Case Gestational Diabetes Arises
In the event that Gestational Diabetes Arises, The Pregnant Woman Will Need to Feed Herself Adequately, as All Pregnant Women Do, in Order to Ensure Proper Nutritional Intake for Mother and Baby, And Will Need to Constantly Glucose Values Blood Monitor 4 .
During pregnancy, it is important to take care of one’s own health and that of the unborn child, and it is useful to follow all medical directions and also do screening or prenatal diagnostic tests. Tea Fetal DNA Testing is a prenatal screening test that can be performed as early as the tenth week of gestation, and is up to 99.9% Reliable in Detecting Major Chromosomal Abnormalities (Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome, Patau Syndrome).
One Should Always Consult One’s Gynecologist of Choice, in Order to be guided toward the apps appropriate diagnostic pathway for one’s condition.