Diabetes, from Fand-Associazione Italiana Diabetici the new program; Experienced diabetic.

Diabetes, from Fand-Associazione Italiana Diabetici the new program “Diabetico Esperto”

Kicking off a new project FAND-Italian Diabetic Association, the most important national organization defending the rights and interests of people with diabetes, with its 120 local organizations, distributed throughout the country. Kicking Off, with a meeting organized in Montesilvano (Pescara) on Oct. 22 and 23, is the "Diabetic Expert" program, which aims, as its coordinator Lorenzo Greco, FAND Deputy Vice President, explains, to "create figures of volunteer workers trained to support people with diabetes in their daily challenge with the disease. People who can advise, without taking the place of the doctor and diabetes team, what behaviors to take with medications, lifestyle, how to deal with a hospitalization, a long trip, how best to manage one's blood sugar self-control, and more." "Montesilvano – continues Greek – is the first stage of a path that FAND intends to take by involving from time to time in the training program, in different parts of Italy, the association's executive cadres."

To Develop This Program, Fand Has Endowed Itself With A Scientific Committee, Which was present in Rome, at the Congress Organized to Celebrate The XXXIV Fand National Diabetes Day, Last Octaber 1. Coordinated by Antimo Ajello, a diabetologist from Molise, the experts – Gioacchino Allotta (Sicily), Loris Confortin (Veneto), Marella Ferraro (Calabria), Luigi Gentile (Piedmont) and Ester Vitacolonna (Abruzzo) – will have not only the task of developing this project, but above all of supporting the association with their authoritative technical and scientific opinion. "This is an important commitment, for us and for the professionals who, despite their many clinical commitments, have decided to support us," clarifies Albino Bottazzo, FAND president. "Our association has always played a leading role in the country for the world of people with diabetes, starting with the battle waged to obtain Law 115/87, which protects our rights and whose 30th anniversary we will celebrate next year. To all those who have helped and encouraged us during our long activity and, like the members of the newly formed Scientific Committee, continue to do so today, goes our deepest thanks,” he concludes.