Therapeutic fasting and intermittent fasting, what are the differences

Therapeutic fasting and intermittent fasting, what are the differences

the intermittent fasting consists of alternating the hours in which one can eat and those in which to practice fasting. As with all dietary regimens never start a DIY diet without hearing from a doctor.

The positive effects of practicing it are, among others:

  • weight loss
  • improved health (decreased bad cholesterol and incidence of other heart diseases; reduced insulin resistance)
  • Regeneration of the body and the whole body and elimination of toxins and damaged cells to make room for new healthy cells

It is a “controlled” fasting that takes place as part of a healthy diet and active lifestyle. There are different patterns that can be followed but the most “famous” one is the 16:8 that is 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours in which you can eat.

Always Best To Consult Your Doctor Before Starting It.

Instead, The Therapeutic Fasting Consists of Voluncitarily Giving up Solid Foods for A Specific, Time-Limited Period; These are replaced by daily intake of at least 2.5 liters of Liquids (Water, Unsweenened Tea, Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Vegetable Brooths, Totaling 500 Kcal).

This Fasting Can Be Carried Out with Admission to the Clinic, Followed by a specialist, or on one’s Own, If One Has Already Had Such Experiences and is trained in the Matter.

Therapeutic Fasting is carried out by Both Healthy People and People with dysaSes to Improve Their Health Conditions and Strengthen Their Inner Balance.

In Any Case, as with intermittent fasting, if you suffer from Any Disease it is good to carry it out Only with specialized facilities, where medical personnel will be able to supervise the entire process and, if necessary, administer specific medications or supplements.

This Type of Fasting, Like Intermittent Fasting, Also Has Positive Effects For Weight Loss (Espencially For Overweight Patient) and the Course of Type 2 Diabetes But Also For Other Conditions Such As Skin Problems, Cardiovascular System Differers, Digestive Disorders and Thyroid Disassees.