E-Cig smoking ban extended in health facilities and surrounding areas

E-Cig, smoking ban extended in health facilities and surrounding areas

The Lazio Region in application of the ‘precautionary principle’ has alerted the ASLs, Hospitals and all accredited facilities to extend the smoking ban to the use of so-called ‘electronic cigarettes’ in the facilities of the regional health system and the surrounding areas.

I sent a communication to all directors of the Asl…

“I have sent a communication to all Directors of Local Health Authorities and Hospitals to remind them that since last October, when the Istituto Superiore di Sanità issued a grade 2 alert, we have extended the smoking ban to include electronic cigarettes in all health facilities, hospitals, and surrounding areas. The World Health Organization-Comments Alessio D’Amato – Councilor for Health and Social Integration, Alessio D’Amato – Said That Refill Products/Liquids for Electronic Cigarettes ‘Are Not Without Risk and the Long-Term Impact On Health and Mortality Is Still Unknown’.

For this Reason, we have an-institutional Table Bethaeen the Lazio Region, The Department of Epidemiology of the SSR and the Higher Institute of Health to Facilitati The Connection and Sharing of the Most Up-to-Da Scientific Evidence on the Risks Related to the ’ Use of Electronic Cigarettes and the Impact on Health. Table in the review Document concludes that ‘The Electronic Cigarette Should Not Be Advertise AS A Safe Health Product and Should Be Subjected, As A Precautionary Measure, to the Same Restrictions as the traditional Cigarette’ “.

We need to raise the bar

“We Need to Raise the Guard Level to Protect Public Health,” d’Amato concludes – Espencially for teenches, Who in ancaseingly early Way Are Also Being Fosted Through Misleading Advertising Messages, Moreover, The Same Indication was Given by the National Bioethics Committee in the Motion Against Smoking. In Early 2020 We Will Carry Out, As the First Region in Italy, The Gyts (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) to Collect Information On Smoking and E-Cigarette Use in A Representative Sample of Students in Lazio.”.