Dermatology acne scars can be prevented

Dermatology, acne scars: prevention is possible

According to data from the cognitive survey on the habits and lifestyles of adolescents “Adolescents and Lifestyles” carried out in the 2018-19 school year by the Adolescent Laboratory Association and the IARD Research Institute, out of a nationally representative sample of 2019 students attending the third grade of secondary school (1027 males and 992 females), 82.4 percent of females and 63.2 percent of males claimed to have aesthetic problems related to “pimples”. Pimples, AS Acne Is Called by Boys, Represent the Most Annoying Aesthetic Problem For Most Boys But, Despite This, It is Little Treated Because of the Persistence of the Problem That Often Requires Long Treatments to be resolved.

Acne is a chronic disease

“Acne Is a Chronic Disease That Mainly, But Not Exclusively, Affects Teenascants,” Explains Giuseppe Monfrcola, Professor of Dermatology University Federico II, Naples. “Let’s Say First of All, To Reassure Kids, That Acne is not an infectious Disease and is not two to altered Hormone Levels, but is an inflammator Skin Disease Linked to a genetic predisposition in Which Environmental factors and Even Normal Microbial Flora Play An IMPORTANT ROLE.”.

What is unfortunately often overlookd is That Severe Acne, But Also Mild Acne If Not Properly Treated, Can generated permanent Scars That Can Leave on the Skin: Crateriform depressions (Atrophic Scars) of Varying Depth and, Espencialy on the Trunk, Reliefs (Hypertrophic Scars ) of different shapes and sizes. Treating acne and preventing the appearance of scars is possible, that is the message of a Galderma awareness initiative’Have you ever thought that acne can leave a mark?”

The face is the bodily feature that best summarizes our identity

“The face is the bodily feature that best sums up our identity,” clarifies psychotherapist Katia Vignoli. “It is to the highest degree in adolescence, the developmental stage when identification with the body is strongest. Especially in the face, the adolescent represents himself and the image he wants to give of himself to the world. Just think, for example, of the care and styling of hair, makeup, the so widespread use of piercings and tattoos today.

Kids, often so wordless, communicate through their bodies, primarily their faces, their status

It is undertandable then that a scar on the face can become a real discomfort: If every other outfit (makeup, tattoo, piercing, etc….) is a voluntary and free act, to Creative Expression or a Symbol of Belonging, The Scar, on the Contrary, is a “Suffered” Sign, it is what remin of a wound, a trace of the past that cannot be erased, on A par with a suffering or a bad memory, which have remained Impinted, in spite of urselves, in The Memory of the skin. If then the Scar is the Residue of Acne, A Skin Problem Already Experience As Dysfiguring and Punishing, it Goes Without Saying that the discomfort it bings is enhanced.”.

The appearance of Acne Scars Is a Widespread Phenomenon

The Occurnce of Acne Scarring Is a Widespread Phenomenon, as evidenced by the studio “prevalece and risk factors of acne scarring among patients consuling dermatologists in the united states,” Published in 2017 in Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Which Involution Administering A Survey To About To About 2.000 Patients in the Offices of 120 Dermatologists, Which Analyzed its Frequency and Severity. Forty-Three Percent of Participants Had Athrophic Acne Scars, Including so-Salled “Puncture Scars”. According to the Data Collected, People with Sever Acne Were More Likely to Developed Scars, I know Much SO THAT THAT WERE FOUND in 77% of Severe Acne Cases, Confirming A Strong Corlaction Bethaeen the Severity of Acne and the appearance of Scars.

However, Acne Scars Have Also Been Detected in 51 percent of cases of moderate acne and 28 percent of mild or very mild acne.

Acne is often regarded as a transient and negligible problem

“Acne is often regarded as a transient and negligible cosmetic problem both by physicians but especially by people, who, as also found in this study, do not resort to effective treatments in a timely manner, probably in part because of the wide availability of dermocosmetic adjuvant products, but also because of the widespread belief that acne is a normal phase of the growing age,” Monfrecola continues.

“On the contrary, it is a very complex dyssese from a pathogenetic point of view, which absolutely must be treated in all its forms because it has a marked impact on the psychological resilience of Those Who underfer from it. The First Reason Is That Acne “Shows Up,” AS It Strikes with Papules, Pustules, and Reddened Nodules on the Face/Neckline and Shoulders of People in the teencent/Youth Stage. But Acne Can Also Affect The Trunk, Both Chest and Back, Localizations often Overloked by the Doctor Where Scarring Marks Are Very Frequet and Marked.

Acne Must Be Treated with perseaverance and patience for long years howver, event under thirty, it tends to have recurrences that cause frustration and poor adherence to treatment advice.

Finally, Even in Remission, RiSisth or Brown Spots from Previous Lesions are still visible. Only suitable and scientifically validated early and consistent treatments can prevent or limit the occurrence of disfiguring scars of the face and trunk.”.